Dermal Fillers

Fine lines and wrinkles naturally form over time, but if you are looking for a non-surgical method of smoothing them out, injectables may be your solution. Dermal fillers have become a popular cosmetic solution for achieving a more relaxed and smooth facial appearance.

Why do fine lines appear?

Over time, our skin naturally begins to lose collagen filled with hyaluronic acid (HA). Collagen and HA help provide structure and volume to the face. Therefore, when the amount of these substances decreases, the skin begins to sag and wrinkle. The facial muscles, then, are working closer to the skin surface, so lines that appear as a result of facial movement, such as crow’s feet and smile lines, become more apparent.

How do dermal fillers help?

Dermal fillers are smooth injectable gels made from naturally-occurring substances such as hyaluronic acid. They add volume back to weakened facial features and can also stimulate the growth of collagen. There are several different types of dermal fillers, each unique in its own way. However, they share a couple of similarities. First, they plump the skin and gently lift it. Additionally, they motivate the body to create its own natural collagen. This results in a more youthful, yet natural, appearance.

Although dermal fillers approved by the FDA are minimally invasive and are very safe, there are possible risks, as with any procedure. These include post-procedure bruising and swelling. However, these are usually minimal and are quickly resolved.

What are dermal fillers used for?

Dermal fillers have a variety of uses, including:

  • Enhancing shallow contours
  • Softening facial creases and wrinkles
  • Improving the appearance of recessed scars
  • Reconstructing deformities in the contours of the face
  • Decreasing or removing the shadow of the lower lids

In addition to changing facial appearance, dermal fillers can also be used to plump thin lips. They can be very helpful in addressing signs of early aging.

Dermal filler treatment

The procedure for injecting dermal fillers usually takes about 20 to 40 minutes. The amount of filler used will depend on the level of volume loss and the areas that you would like to get treated. Results will be clearly visible immediately following treatment.

While they can be very effective in a variety of uses, dermal fillers are not the cosmetic solution for all patients. If you are considering a treatment to smooth out fine lines, book an appointment with us for a consultation on the best method for you.